Sunday, August 17, 2008

August 16th

So this is a Saturday, like any other Saturday.

On this Saturday I decide to go to the university. So I went to the university.
At this university, I was sitting in front of an asian guy/student. The asian guy/student must have confused the university with a cruise bar (or park or alleyway or wherever gay people go to cruise other gays). The asian guy/student started to cruise me, or maybe it is just a usual thing that asians do. Asians that glance frequently.

At 1100, I get a text from Gym Buddy. He will be late.
At around lunch time, Gym Buddy and I go to gym. We did chest, shoulders and abs. Gym buddy sees Navy Singlet Guy and starts buzzing. Gym buddy and I discuss the names we give to the regulars: Jaws, Honky Brothers, Grumpy dyke, Maori Med Student, Korean guy, and Navy Singlet Guy.

After gym I had lunch. And after lunch I went to have my hair cut.

At the hair cut place, the usual lady is busy, so I get another lady, lets call her Younger Lady (YL). I tell YL to give me a trim (as I don't trust her to cut my hair). YL starts cutting and asks if I would like a slanting fringe. I hesitated, but she convinced me. After 5 minutes, the fringe looks horrible and I told YL to cut it straight.
After 15 minutes of small talk and pleasantries, we finally made it to the sink. I always have my hair washed so I don't walk out of the place with bits of hair on my neck and head.
After the wash, YL felt it necessary to cut more of my hair to achieve perfect symmetry. She did not rewash my hair, and I walked out with bits of hair on my neck and head. Unsatisfied, annoyed, almost angry.

At 1800 I got a text from Lisa regarding dinner. And this is what we say to each other:

Lisa: Hi hi r u comin home? Or goin straight to renkon?
Me: Going straight. You can either go with eugene or come meet me in ic
Lisa: Erm its at renkon rite? Meet u at 6:20 outside muchy mart ya?
Me: K. Text me when u get here
Lisa: Ok

At 1819:
Lisa: Sorry got a bit caught up wif work oni leain now...Let u know when i'm there.
Lisa: Hi hi i'm outside muchy :)

We proceeded to renkon, but renkon was closed. So we had dinner at another place with Eugene, Michelle and B. After dinner, we had dessert. And for dessert, we go to Wagamama. At Wagamama we realised all the Goth/Emo waiters are no longer working there. We speculate that there has been a change of management and all the Goth/Emo waiters got fired. We came to the conclusion that we go to Wagamama to watch the Goth/Emo waiters. And now that the Goth/Emo waiters are not there- we should not come back again.

After dessert, we go to the supermarket to hunt for chocolate chip mint ice cream. In this supermarket, there was no chocolate chip mint ice cream. So no chocolate chip mint ice cream was purchased. I tell Eugene I should blog about the chocolate chip mint ice cream in London Preppy style. Eugene agrees.

In the supermarket I was wearing a brown long-sleeve shirt from CM's, a black hoodie/jacket from PO Box, crumpled Levi's jeans and dirty green lacoste sneakers. The shirt and jacket I got from Melbourne, the jeans from a Levi's store, and the lacoste sneakers from Haight/Ashbury. And this is how it looks when all is put together...

P1050972 by you.

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